We are a grassroots movement to fix our dysfunctional leadership and break the stranglehold of political parties so that our elected leaders can stop our slide to mediocrity, identify and solve the critical problems beleaguering our nation, and restore America to the path set by our Founding Fathers two and a quarter centuries ago.
As a nation, we are beset with enormous problems and equally enormous opportunities. It is these problems and opportunities that need to be dealt with if we are to guarantee that our future will be as bright and successful as our past, and that our children will see the kinds of leaps forward in quality of life and world power that we have seen in the past and are possible in our future.
The political party system, and the kinds of people it puts into leadership positions, are blocking our ability to deal with real problems and blinding us to our real opportunities. The People First movement wants our nation to solve its real problems, but we can’t even get to them unless and until we fix the devastating roadblock that stands in the way—our dysfunctional Congress.
If People First can accomplish four tasks, we can put the nation back on the path set for us by our Founding Fathers, and get our Congress working on the problems and opportunities that are the real work of our leaders. The four tasks are these:
We want to clear the way so that our Congress will want to, and will be able to do the work of the American people, not the work of the parties or other special interests.